7 Skin Care Trends That Are Dying in 2023


It's a new year, which means it's time to say goodbye to some of the skin care trends that have been around for a few years now. Here are 7 skin care trends that are dying in 2023:

1. Over-the-top packaging 

2. Unnecessary steps 

3. One size fits all 

4. Gimicky ingredients 

5. Too much choice 

6. Fad diets 

7. Unhealthy lifestyles 

1. Over-the-top Packaging 

We're starting to see a trend towards more minimalistic packaging, especially when it comes to skin care products. Consumers are becoming more conscious of the environmental impact of packaging, and are looking for products that use less plastic and packaging material overall. This trend is only going to continue in 2020 and beyond.

2. Unnecessary Steps 

The 10-step skin care routine is something that has been popularized over the last few years, but it's just not sustainable for most people. Who has time to do all of that every day? We're seeing a trend towards simplifying skin care routines, and focusing on the most important steps only. This is a trend that we can get behind!

3. One size fits all 

We're also seeing a trend away from "one size fits all" skin care products. Consumers are becoming more aware of the importance of tailoring their skin care routine to their own individual needs, and are looking for products that can be customized to their own unique skin type and concerns. This is a trend that we think is here to stay!

4. Gimicky Ingredients 

Consumers are becoming more savvy about the ingredients in their skin care products, and are starting to catch on to the fact that many "miracle" ingredients are nothing more than marketing hype. We think this is a great trend, and we hope to see more focus on proven ingredients in 2023! 

5. Too much choice 

The skin care aisle can be overwhelming, with hundreds of different products available for every possible concern. We think consumers are starting to realize that they don't need an exhaustive array of products, and are instead focusing on finding the right product for their needs. This is a trend we can definitely get behind! 

6. Fad diets 

A good diet is important for healthy skin, but fad diets can actually do more harm than good if they're not well balanced. We're seeing a trend towards sensible eating habits that focus on getting essential nutrients, rather than cutting out entire food groups or eating foods that are "trendy."

 7. Unhealthy lifestyles 

Skin care isn't just about what you put on your face—it's also about leading a healthy lifestyle overall! We're seeing a trend away from unhealthy habits like smoking and excessive sun exposure, and towards healthy habits like exercise and eating plenty of fruits and vegetables. This is a great trend, and one we hope will continue into 2023! 

 These are just some of the skin care trends we think are dying in 2023! What do you think? Are there any other trends you think are on the way out? Let us know in the comments below!


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